Friday, September 24, 2010

On the Fence about Twitter

I've had a Twitter account for three days and I'm still on the fence. I've known about Twitter for a long time, but was never interested in signing up for an account. I just saw it as another status update like the one used on Facebook to offer such riveting insights like "Jen is loving tea and toast" or "Jason is tired and needs to sleep". I just wasn't sure that I wanted to be a part of that. However, after learning about how Twitter can be relevant in an educational setting, I think that I should at least give it a chance. I do want to engage with the technology and keep up with the kids, although I still haven't quite discovered how it might be used effectively in an FSL classroom. Ideas?


  1. I love this cartoon! I agree with your skepticism about Twitter in general, I've never had the desire to have a Twitter account before this. It seems there is more positive feedback out there than negative about using Twitter in the classroom, so I'm also open to giving it a chance.

  2. I agree with you Travis, I was very skeptical, but now I'm willing to give it a chance.

    I guess Twitter could be used in an FSL classroom if the class were to say, watch a Youtube video together and then comment in French. But for second langugage learners, it's important to have time to compose their thoughts and write accurately - I think Twitter would put too much time pressure on them.

  3. Travis, I think you and I are definitely on the same page about Twitter.

    My idea for an FSL classroom would probably only work for grade 11 or grade 12. The class could watch a Youtube video (en français) and then comment (en français). My concern is that this extra time pressure would lead to rushing on the students' part, and thus more grammar and spelling errors.

  4. Check out
